JJA is told to go ahead and recruit Mikhail. He contacts Pavel in Moscow to develop a strategy. Sylvain is sent to Seoul by the Russians to enlist Yellow Joon, a genius hacker. In Paris, Sisteron admits having lost confidence in JJA. In Cairo, intelligence indicates an attack is imminent.
JJA is told to go ahead and recruit Mikhail. He contacts Pavel in Moscow to develop a strategy. Sylvain is sent to Seoul by the Russians to enlist Yellow Joon, a genius hacker. In Paris, Sisteron admits having lost confidence in JJA. In Cairo, intelligence indicates an attack is imminent.
JJA is told to go ahead and recruit Mikhail. He contacts Pavel in Moscow to develop a strategy. Sylvain is sent to Seoul by the Russians to enlist Yellow Joon, a genius hacker. In Paris, Sisteron admits having lost confidence in JJA. In Cairo, intelligence indicates an attack is imminent.