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Science of Stupid season 2 episode 21
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Science of Stupid: 2x21
Frisbees and Hovercrafts
Aug. 14, 2015
2 - 1
Horsepower Is Not Your Friend
Apr. 13, 2015
2 - 2
Wheelies Gone Wrong
Apr. 13, 2015
2 - 3
The Motion of the Ocean
Apr. 20, 2015
2 - 4
Half-Pipe Wipeouts
May. 04, 2015
2 - 5
Wall Running Face Plants
May. 11, 2015
2 - 6
Flip Flops and Power Purges
May. 18, 2015
2 - 7
Roof Jumping: To Infinity and Below
May. 18, 2015
2 - 8
Ice Buckets and Kayaks
Jul. 17, 2015
2 - 9
Barbecues and Hammocks
Jul. 17, 2015
2 - 10
Surfing on Sand and Walking in Heels
Jul. 17, 2015
2 - 11
Segways and Water Skis
Jul. 24, 2015
2 - 12
High Lines and Back Flips
Jul. 24, 2015
2 - 13
Head Bangers and Acrobats
Jul. 24, 2015
2 - 14
Breathing Fire and Running on Water
Jul. 31, 2015
2 - 15
Kayaks and Dirt Bikes
Jul. 31, 2015
2 - 16
Hurdles and Head Spins
Jul. 31, 2015
2 - 17
High Jumps and Shallow Water
Aug. 07, 2015
2 - 18
Piggyback Rides and Ladder Climbing
Aug. 07, 2015
2 - 19
Ski Tricks and Waterside Drives
Aug. 07, 2015
2 - 20
Bottle Rockets and Aerial Kicks
Aug. 14, 2015
2 - 21
Frisbees and Hovercrafts
Aug. 14, 2015
2 - 22
Ostriches and Go Karts
Aug. 21, 2015
2 - 23
Lawn Mowers and Pinatas
Aug. 21, 2015
2 - 24
Table Dancing and Sock Sliding
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 25
Soccer Balls and Mousetraps
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 26
Tennis Racket and Chair Dances
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 27
Break Dances and Skateboards
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 28
Wall Crashes and Rollerblades
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 29
Headstands and Jet Skis
Aug. 28, 2015
2 - 30
ce Skating and Swing Dancing
Sep. 04, 2015
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