Heading off on a round-trip walk from Malham village, Julia takes in the magical Janet’s Foss waterfall, the awe-inspiring Gordale Scar and the stunning limestone pavement at Malham Cove, with its spectacular views across the Yorkshire Dales. A hub for both the adventurous and creative alike, the Malhamdale landscape has been an inspiration for so many – from the likes of J. R.R. Tolkien to influential master painter JMW Turner – not to mention Harry Potter and a few other Hollywood Blockbusters! This walk sees Julia explore what makes Malham so memorable – from its traditional hay meadows and lush green dales, to the high drama of its ancient limestone marvels – including the spectacular crescent-shaped cliff of Malham Cove; a former giant waterfall and true highlight for people taking on the much longer Pennine Way trail.